I am a formal verification engineer and researcher. My main research interest is the application of formal methods in software and hardware. I am particularly interested in tools and methods for developing verified programs and program verification. I have worked on various subjects including verified code generation, weak memory, transactional memory, and concurrency verification.
Currently, I am working at Axiomise, a formal verification consulting company. I am also a visiting researcher at the University of Surrey. From 2019 to 2022, I was a research fellow at the University of Surrey working with Dr Brijesh Dongol. Prior to joining Surrey University, I was a research fellow at the University of Southampton working with Professor Michael Butler on the PRiME project.
I did my PhD in Computer Science (2017) under Michael's supervision at the School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, and also obtained a master’s degree in Software Engineering (2012) from the same university.
I can be reached at sadegh[at]dalvandi[dot]com.